From the Archives

We are currently able to make a few recordings of our Sunday services available. If you have a recording of a Sunday service at Community Church of Boston that you would like to share, please email us at

June 5th, 2016: Kate Layzer, Homelessness: Ways to Help

May 29th, 2016: Prof. Mark Solomon, â€œAt the Ballot Box, In the Streets: It’s Time to Build The Mother of All Movements”

May 22th, 2016: Dr. David Himmelstein, â€œHealth Reform 2.0”

May 1st, 2016: Rev. William Alberts, â€œProphets of the People or Chaplains of the Status Quo”

December 6th 2015: Noam Chomsky Three Minutes to Midnight: Reflections on
Nuclear War and Global Warming” Prof Chomsky spoke on the occasion of CCB’s
95th Anniversary at First Church in Roxbury. Listen to the audio

May 10th, 2015: Stephen Shenfield, “Globalization and Nationalism”

May 3rd, 2015: Karla Rab, “Human Nature”