Sundays & More
Sunday Services
From September through June, we have Sunday services for individuals seeking to grow their involvement in a welcoming and family-friendly community fully rooted in justice work. Our 11:00 am Speakers Forum is a time to hear from inspiring and thought-provoking speakers around social justice topics. Music adds a wonderful dimension to the service, and the musicians vary from week to week. We leave time for dialogue with our speaker before gathering at 12:45 pm for lunch.
Membership Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate individuals who wish to become members of Community Church of Boston. We take time during the 11:00 am service when individuals can, as they desire, come forward and sign our Membership Book – a brief yet purposeful ritual symbolizing a commitment not only from the individual to the congregation, but also from the congregation to the individual.
2024 CCB Sunday Recorded Services and Programs
“It Can’t Happen Here” with The Poets’ Theatre
May 26th @ 11am
“Transitional Moments in Liminal Space”
with Ketú Oladuwa
May 24th @ 11am
Dean Stevens 70th Birthday Concert! Feat.
Special Guests: Rob Flax and Eric Kilburn
May 19th @ 11am
“Thriving Survivors of the PIC”
(Prison Industrial Complex)
with Lee Underwood, Calvin Arey & Don Wright
May 12th @ 11am
“My Neurodivergent Journey: A Celebration of
Autistic Culture & Liberation”
with Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
May 5th @ 11am
“New Immigrant and Refugee Visions”
CSFilm Shorts by Qin Li, Mubarak Muwongo Nsamba, & Mohammed Arifuzzaman
& CSFilm Director Michael Sheridan
April 28th @ 11am
“May Day and the Fight for Shorter Hours”
with John Proctor
April 21st @ 11am
“Climate Justice and Transformative Economic Change”
with Jennie C. Stephens
April 14th @ 11am
“Take the Leap”
with Pashtana Durrani
April 10th @ 7pm
“The Continuing Wisdom of President Kennedy in the Struggle for Peace”
with Dennis Kicinich
April 7th @ 11am
“Nazis of Copley Square:
The Forgotten Story of the Christian Front”
with Charles Gallagher, S.J.
April 6th @7PM
The Music of Joni Mitchell @ CCB
March 24th @11AM ET
“Professor Gerald Horne on the Genocide of Gaza, US Foreign Policies, and Domestic US Politics”
with Dr. Gerald Horne
March 15th @7PM ET
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on Gaza, Ukraine, China and Taiwan, and Iran and the Gulf States
March 17th @11AM ET
“How to Survive a Genocide as the World Changes?”
with Mazin Qumsiyeh
March 10th @11AM ET
“Skirting History: Holocaust Refugee to Dissenting Citizen”
with Eva Moseley
March 3rd @11AM ET
“Integration, Ethics, & Action:
Yoga for Personal and Collective Change”
with Kate Pousont Scarborough
February 25th @11AM ET
“The Wounded World: W. E. B. Du Bois and the First World War”
with Chad Williams
February 18th @11AM ET
“How Our Past Informs Our Present
& Future: An Archive Dive”
with Community Church Members
February 11th @11AM ET
“Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
and the Danger of an Escalating War”
with Trita Parsi
January 28th @11AM ET
“W. E. B. DuBois’s 1928 romance novel ‘Dark Princess’
with Rev. Irene Monroe
January 21st @11AM ET
“Who are These Russians and Why Do We Hate Them”
with Regis Tremblay
January 14th at 11 am
“Freedom for Gaza, Freedom for All:
Honoring MLK’s Dream by Saying NO to Militarism”
with Khury Petersen-Smith
January 7th at 11 am
“El periodismo y la democracia en Guatemala”
(Journalism and Democracy in Guatemala)
con Eslly Melgarejo y Diego Silva
December 17th at 11 am
“A Changing World Economy:
G7, BRICS, Capitalism and Socialism”
with Richard Wolff
December 14th at 7 pm
“Max Blumenthal on Israel’s Genocide of Gaza”
December 10th at 11 am
“Israel, Palestine, and The Nakba”
with Linda Dittmar
“The Israeli Genocide of Gaza;
featuring Sami Al-Arian“
December 3rd at 1 pm
“The 2023 Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Award”
The Peace Abbey
Sunday, November 26th at 11AM:
“Indigenous Perspectives”
with Robert Peters
Sunday, November 19th at 11AM:
“Embracing Your Identity”
with Puja Kranz-Howe
November 17th at 7PM ET
“A Tribute to Geoff Bartley‘s Cantab Open Mic”
Sunday, November 12th at 11AM:
“On Assignment From El Salvador”
with Sue Kranz and José Alemán
Sunday, November 5th at 11AM:
“‘To Fill the Entire World with Plenty:’ One Story of How Labor Began to Organize in New England”
with Andy Davis
Sunday, October 29th at 11AM:
“Mexican Day of the Dead: A Blood Bond to the Spirit World”
with Pedro Noé Morales
Sunday, October 22nd at 11AM:
“The Roots of Radicalism”
with Edward Curtin
Sunday, October 15th at 11AM:
“Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Path to Freedom”
with Noelle Hanrahan
Sunday, October 8th at 11AM:
“Rescuing God from Religion:
Spirituality & Sinéad O’Connor’s Art”
with Brenna Moore
Thursday, September 7th at 7PM
“Defeating Israeli Apartheid:
In Defense of Palestinian Existence & American Free Expression”
with Omah Baddar
Wednesday, August 23rd at 7PM
Remembering Sacco & Vanzetti:
“‘Cultural Manifestations of ‘The Case That Will Not Die'”
Thursday, August 10th at 7PM
“Sustainability & Biodiversity Conservation
in the Age of the Anthropocene: Can Palestine set a global example?”
with Mazin Qumsiyeh
Sunday, June 18th at 11 AM
“Landmarks of Slavery and Freedom Perspectives of a Public Historian”
with Dr. Robert Bellinger
Sunday, June 11th at 11 AM
“‘Shake Off Your Chains’: The Story Behind ‘Songs of Slavery & Emancipation’”
A Film Screening
with Mat Callahan
Sunday, June 4 at 11 AM
“Ethel Rosenberg: The Short Life and Great Betrayal of an American Wife and Mother”
with Anne Sebba
Sunday, May 28th at 11 AM
“Keeping President Kennedy’s Struggle for World Peace Alive”
with Martin Schotz
Sunday, May 21st at 11 AM
“A Life In Three Acts: Peace, Porn and Prayer”
with Rev. Barry Lynn
Sunday, May 14th at 11 AM
“Randy Credico For President”
with Randy Credico
Sunday, May 7th at 11 AM
“Being Robin-Spirit or Delusion”
with Roger Kabler
Sunday, April 30th at 11 AM
“Behind the Scenes of the Award Winning Film ‘Los Hermanos’”
with Ilmar López Gavilán
Sunday, April 23rd at 11 AM
“End The Fossil Fuel Addiction that Feeds Putin and Biden’s War Machine”
with Svitlana Romanko
Sunday, April 16th at 11 AM
“The Struggle For Ecological Socialism”
with Victor Wallis
Sunday, April 9th at 11 AM
“How to Save a Planet” (Before It’s Too Late)
with Julia Hansen
Sunday, April 2nd at 11 AM
“Manufacturing Heroes, Marketing Dreams: Who Was the
Real Martin Luther King Jr. at the End of His Life?”
with Allen Pérez Somarribas
Sunday, March 26h at 11 AM
“No More War”
with Sabrina Salvati
Sunday, March 19th at 11 AM
“Art & Activism for Palestine”
with Katie Miranda and Bshara Nassar
Sunday, March 5th at 11 AM
“Stories from the Americans
Who Tell the Truth Portrait Project”
with Robert Shetterly
Sunday, February 26th at 11 AM
“Black & Red: The Life of W. E. B. DuBois
& His Legacy Today”
with Clayton “Nino” Brown
Sunday, February 19th at 11 AM:
“Fighting for Women’s Right to their Whole Bodies: Stopping FGM in Mali”
with Susan McLucas
Sunday, February 12th at 11 AM
“CCB, Diego Mendoza Lacán (Manuel Hernandez)”
with Rady Roldán – Figueroa
Sunday, February 5th at 11 AM
“What family do you belong to?” With Steve Downs
with Steve Downs
Sunday, January 29th at 11 AM
“The Sickness is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us”
with Richard Wolff
Sunday, January 22nd at 11 AM
“The Challenges of Writing About a Revolutionary Who Was Also a Poet:
The Case of Roque Dalton”
with Jim Iffland
Sunday, January 15th at 11 AM
“Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
with Letta Neely
Sunday, January 8th at 11 AM
“Remembering Howard Zinn”
with Jeff Zinn
Music by Dean Stevens
Sunday, December 18th at 11 AM
The 2022 Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Award to
with The Holy Land Foundation Five and Sami Al Arian
Sunday, December 11th at 11 AM
“Children of Our Environments: US-Cuba Solidarity”
with Calla Walsh
Music by Emma’s Revolution
Sunday, December 4th at 11 AM
“The Intersectionality of Racism, Oppression, and Anti-Semitism”
with Rev. Irene Monroe
Music by Beatrice Greene
Sunday, November 27th at 11 AM
“Bob D’Attilio Day”
Sunday, November 20th at 11 AM
“Why Should You Care? Tran”
with Letta Neely
Sunday, November 13th at 11 AM
“Fighting Fascism: What’s Next in Electoral Battle”
with mark Solomon
Sunday, November 6th at 11 AM
“The Poets’ Theatre Reads
with Poets’ Theatre
(Paula Langton, Lloyd Schwartz, Ken Cheeseman, & David Gullette)
Sunday, October 30th at 11 AM
“God, John F. Kennedy, and Russia”
with Amar Ahmad
Sunday, October 23 at 11 PM:
“Abolishing Prisons and Giving Life to Something New”
with Rev. Jason Lydon
Sunday, October 16 at 11 PM:
“The Coming War on China” (watch the film)
with John Pilger
Sunday, October 9 at 11 PM:
“Free Leonard Peltier Now”
with Jean Roche & Carol Gokee
Tuesday, August 23 at 7 PM:
“Remembering Sacco & Vanzetti” with Catherine Marenghi
Special Guest Speaker Gov. Mike Dukakis
“The Current Landscape in Media and Politics: Ukraine, Palestine & More”
with Katie Halper
Music by Dean Stevens
Sunday, July 14th at 11 AM:
“Revolutionary Blackout Network discussing Left Media, Mutual Aid, Censorship and More”
with James Fauntleroy, Josanna Vaz, & Sabrina Salvati
Sunday, June 19th at 11 AM:
“Slavery and Segregation in Antebellum Massachusetts: The Law of Shaw”
with Gregory Williams
Music by Mat Callahan & Yvonne Moore
Sunday, June 19th at 11 AM:
“Slavery and Segregation in Antebellum Massachusetts: The Law of Shaw”
with Gregory Williams
Music by Mat Callahan & Yvonne Moore
Sunday, June 12th at 11 AM:
“Sacco & Vanzetti, and the Rosenbergs”
with Leonard Lehrman and Helene Williams, special guest Christopher Remkus
Sunday, June 5th at 11 AM:
“Gangsters of Capitalism”
with Jonathan M. Katz
Music by David Roth
Sunday, May 29th at 11 AM:
“Is There a Purpose for Memorial Day”
with Matthew Hoh
Music by Magpie
Sunday, May 22nd at 11 AM:
“Learning from Hiroshima, Peace Memorial City”
with Madelyn Holmes
Lisa Redfern
Sunday, May 15th at 11 AM:
“Recollection, Revision, and Reframing”
with Andy Davis and Eroc Arroyo
Music by Andy Davis and Eroc Arroyo
Sunday, May 8th at 11 AM:
“My Mother, Music and Dementia”
with Joel Light
Music by Elise Witt
Sunday, May 1st at 11 AM:
“The Dream of Debs: Eugene V. Debs and
the Rise of Socialism and Industrial Unionism”
with Steve Kellerman
Music by CommUnity Voices
Sunday, April 24th at 11 AM:
“Local Impact for Planetary Climate Action”
with Kate Crosby and Laura Burns
Music by Eric Kilburn
Friday, April 22nd at 7 PM ET:
“Story Telling as Solidarity”
with Jen Marlowe & Gabriella Haddad
Sunday, April 17th at 11 AM:
“Collective Power For Climate Change”
with Scott Vlaun
Music by Oen Kennedy
Sunday, April 10th at 11 AM:
“Afghan Voices in Terrible Times:
Films and Filmmakers”
with Michael Sheridan & Afghan filmmakers
Sunday, April 3rd at 11 AM:
“Maria W. Stewart and the Roots of Black Political Thought”
with Kristen Waters
Music by Reggie Harris
Sunday, March 27th at 11 AM:
“Documenting LGBTQ+ Boston”
with Joan ILacqua
Music by Asliani
Sunday, March 20th at 11 AM:
“Art and Activism: Women’s Wisdom Project”
with Anna Brones
Music by Squeezebox Stompers (Ralph Tufo & Larry Plitt)
Sunday, March 13th at 11 AM:
“Public Banking for Racial/Social Justice”
with Ruth Caplan & Nia Evans
Music by David Rovics
Sunday, March 4th at 11 AM:
“The Earth Defenders”
with Alfred Brownell, Jr.
Music by Helder Tsinine & Kina Zoré
Sunday, February 27th at 11 AM:
W. E. B. DuBois Lecture
with Tony Van Der Meer
Music by Fulani Haynes & Michael Shea
Sunday, February 6th at 11 AM:
“My Nicaraguan High School:
Second Chances For People Who Never Thought They’d Have One”
with Margaret Morganroth Gullette
Music by Moira Smiley
Sunday, January 30th at 11 AM:
“Reflections on the moment: From Covid to
War in Space…and lots in-between”
(from Crimea and Maine)
with Regis Tremblay & Bruce Gagnon
music by Cosy Sheridan & Charlie Koch
Sunday, January 23rd at 11 AM:
“Salmon, Dams, and the Inland Northwest Rivers They Influence”
with Mark Martin
music by Dean Stevens
Sunday, January 16th at 11 AM:
“Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Appreciation”
with Charles Coe
music by Tem Blessed
Sunday, January 9th at 11 AM:
“Choosing Between Liberation & Climate Catastrophe”
with Nick Rabb
music by Steve Tilston
Sunday, January 2nd at 11 AM:
“Myths of Modern History”
with Jacques R. Pauwels
music by Rod MacDonald
Sunday, December 19th at 11 AM:
“Wake Up America. This is Who We Are.”
with Rev. Irene Monroe
music by Beatrice Greene
Sunday, December 12th at 11 AM:
“Feminism Against Family”
with Sophie Lewis
Karen Klein, poetry & dance
Sunday, December 5th at 11 AM:
“Beyond Afghanistan: Patriotic Dissent Against U.S. Militarism”
with Maj. Danny Sjursen
music by David Rovics
Sunday, November 28 at 11 AM:
“Poetry and Questions: Cuba and Nicaragua”
with Margaret Randall
music by Dean Stevens
Sunday, November 21 at 11 AM:
“Live & in Concert at CCB: “Song To A Refugee”
with Diana Jones
Sunday, November 7 at 11 AM:
“We Are All Part of One Another:
Reflecting on Accountability in a Time of War”
with Kathy Kelly
music by Emma’s Revolution
Enbridge Line 3 Activists Speak Out”
with Winona LaDuke
April 12, 2020 – January 10, 2021 Here!
January 10 – March 14, 2021 below:
(click on the date to watch)

Moock, Tudury, Dodson, Giroux, Frances, Mapes, Stevens,

with Maria F. Cabrera & Charles G. Baldwin

The Struggle for Equality, 1918-1927″
with Jeffrey B. Perry
music by Tem Blessed

Rev. Donald Lothrop” with Dean Stevens, Rev. Olson
and Karla Lothrop Wight Williams

music by
The Foundation Movement

music by Tareq Randisi & Naseem Alatrash

Human Right to Housing in 2021″ with
Maria Christina Blanco
music by Lea Morris

Regina Robinson
music by Rod MacDonald

with Susan Perlstein
Karen Klein, poetry, Isvel Bello, dance

music by Sol y Canto
Watch services live on YouTube or in Person.
If you choose to attend a church program in person, please wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Every Sunday lunch or refreshments served after the program.
All Programs are held on the second floor in the Lothrop Auditorium.
Small elevator, wheelchair accessible.
CCB is located near the Orange line-Back Bay or the Green line-Copley T Stops. On Street Parking and at Back Bay Parking Garage, 199 Clarendon Street. Discount Vouchers available for parking in the garage.
Community Church of Boston is located at
565 Boylston Street, 2nd fl., Boston, MA 02116
email:; tel: 617-266-6710